Friday 3 May 2013

In the beginning...

Hi there!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Ali. I'm 23 years old and am a second year university student.

I decided to create this blog as I begin to prepare myself for applying to graduate medicine next year.

I have always wanted to be a doctor but I know that it is extremely difficult and gruelling. I don't have a lot of support at the moment. Most of the people around me doubt that I can or will succeed at following my dream. So I think a blog will be a good place to come and let out that frustration!

I'm also finding out how confusing the whole process is, not knowing how to prepare for the dreaded GAMSAT, or medschool itself.

I would like this blog to be a place I can share my experiences with others, as well as any information I find on graduate entry medicine that I think may be helpful to others.

I'm off to study for exams now so will post more later.


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