Sunday, 30 June 2013

2nd Year Results!!


So I got my results on Thursday morning. Man I was praying and praying for a miracle, I truly knew that I was going to fail at least two subjects. I can't tell you how my heart was pounding away and how I felt like I was going to throw up as I entered my log in details on the website! I scanned the results on the screen and was amazed to find that I had not only passed everything but I had passed them by 20% or more!

I started jumping up and down and dancing around with my family heheh! :D

Honestly I still can't believe it. I spent so much time and energy dreading my results and it was all for nothing!

Really gave me motivation to attack my final year with gusto! I need to push HARD this year. I want to. I want to get either a 2:0 or a 1:2.

This week I also started a paid summer studentship in my college. It's so exciting to be employed by the university, even if it is only for a short time!

The best and most amazing part of the studentship is that I will be writing a research article, which my supervisor says will be picked up and published in an academic journal!

Not sure how she can assure me of that when the article is not even written yet but I am determined to work hard at it and get something published.

I am also trying to write a book at the moment. It's my personal story of struggling with eating disorders. I really want to use my experiences to help and encourage others, so I thought I would give it a go. It's quite difficult and it may not come to anything but I want to at least try! :)

Have been neglecting my GAMSAT study have to do some today. I may have stretched my time frame till next year but realistically it's still not that much time! I'm trying to educate myself on world news so I'm reading the paper and watching the news on TV.

I'm trying to keep moving onwards and upwards all the time, and trying to remain positive.

I'm not where I need to be but thank God I'm not where I used to be. I'm OK and I'm on my way! :D


Monday, 24 June 2013

Lost Art of Blogging!


I have been away from this blog for too long.

The reason being I have, and I suppose I still am, going through a massive period of doubt in my life. Not doubting wanting to pursue medicine. But doubting the timing of it all.

I have decided (somewhat resignedly) that I won't be able to take the GAMSAT in London this coming September. I just will not be ready.

I feel taking an extra year to prepare will not only help me achieve a better score, but it will also help me become a better person and ultimately a better doctor.

Apart from learning all of the scientific material etc required for the test, I feel I need to sort of "find myself".

My life is extrememly unbalanced and I am not really very physically or mentally healthy, and that definately needs to change if I want to become a doctor.

I don't really want to take a year off to be honest. I'm 24 this year and I feel like I have been waiting forever for my chance, but I guess I need to stop being so impatient and trust that when the time is right I will get my chance.

In the meantime I need to start living again. I need to shake off my depression and get back to reading books and newspapers, painting, going out with friends, taking walks and just generally BEING again. That's just as important as any hardcore study I think!

Anyhoo will update again soon! Results are out on Thursday! Eep!


Monday, 3 June 2013

Sunshine Day


Been a while since I updated here. Since my exams ended I've been at a bit of a loss as to what to do! I haven't been studying nearly as much as I should be! Eek!

It's so nice out today so that's not helping much!

I'm thinking of seeing about a GAMSAT study group. Would be nice to meet others going through the same thing.

I have been struggling with physics because of all the maths involved!

Not going to give up though! :)