Today I have been so exhausted! Got a fair bit done though so am happy that I had a productive day. I cleaned out my guinea pig cage, gave her a bath, sorted my phone billing out and then made food for my family and got in around 4 hours of study! :)
I had to push myself a bit. I didn't want to study. But I know that I will be studying for my GAMSAT (and then hopefully in med school) and I'm going to be tired and not in the humour of doing it, but I just have to do it. Keep my eyes on the prize and not slack off.
I guess what's been on my mind today is money.
Medicine is so expensive! I know that if I get into med school I will be applying for a loan, but I'm worried about everything that comes before that.
Everything related to the GAMSAT is so expensive! Books, materials, the test itself! Also if I am flying over to London in Sept, I'm going to need some money for that as well! Nightmare!
I also have to pay tuition for my final year in college which is ALOT!
I worked it out, and even if I work as much as possible, I can't afford to cover all the expenses I have this year, plus all that I had planned to do. I've abandoned the idea of a holiday. I guess I will have to abandon learning to drive as well, and that means I will have to reapply for my learners permit.
My minds just working on what to do to make and save money. I'm considering setting up an ebay account and trying to sell some of my stuff! Haha desperate times and all that.
I guess money is the first hurdle one must pass on the way to medschool. Sad that that is the first criteria for becoming a doctor, being able to shoulder the economic burden.
But it is what it is, and I won't give up. If I have to sell all I have, I will.
Except my bed...it's too comfy, and I'm off to dream now!
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