Thursday, 16 May 2013

GAMSAT webinar!


I haven't been feeling all that well for the past few days so my posting has been a bit off. I also have been really struggling with my exam prep so not being very productive at all.

Anyway something positive today: I attended a free GAMSAT webinar, from It was on how to approch the GAMSAT when you don't know where to start.

The first half of the webinar was quite good and motivating and then the second half was pretty much trying to sell their online course which like all other GAMSAT stuff is reallyyyy expensive!

Some of the useful things I did get from the webinar, included the following:

1) 80% of people who sit GAMSAT don't get into med school.

Eek how terrifying is that?! But good to know so you don't underestimate the challenge.

2) Make a visual reminder of what will happen if you don't pass the GAMSAT!

You might include having to wait another year, having to fork out more money, or having to settle for a career less fulfilling than you want.

3) Imagine your future if you do pass GAMSAT and get in!

This is a positive reminder about why you are doing all this prep. Get a clear and specific mental picture into your head of where you want to be and what you want to be doing.

The guy who runs the company who was hosting the webinar is offering a free ebook to download from their website called "How to Pass the GAMSAT". I looked at it briefly just now and it seems like it has a mix of helpful info and promotion of their course which is fair enough I suppose.

Just handy to have all the info you can.

Personally I'm still deciding how to approach my study. I think I might need a tutor or something like that for chemistry and physics because I have no basis in them, but not sure about a GAMSAT course, they seem pricey and I'm sceptical about how helpful they are...

Anyway I'm off to do yet more study (will exam period ever end?!).

1 comment:

  1. Webinars are really very helpful. I remember coming across one, when I was looking for LSAT Sample Questions for practice. I got to know a lot from that webinar and it helped me a lot in scoring good in my law exam. Today, I am studying in one of the finest law schools available.
